The health of real estate at Smith Mountain Lake is on the same upswing as the national trend shows, and the pick up in activity at Deb Beran Properties affirms it. Buyers who are in search of their lake dream home can no longer linger at a distance and leisurely choose from plentiful inventory.
The current state of real estate makes it necessary that home buyers be more aggressive and competitive. One of the ways we encourage getting ahead of the competition is by attending as many open houses as you can.
Most open houses happen over the weekends, so time your visit to Smith Mountain Lake accordingly. Or make room in your schedule for a few hours of open house tours several weekends in a row.
Since you may have the opportunity to visit several homes in one weekend, come prepared to take notes and follow up with questions later.
Don’t shy away from open houses that are a little out of your desired location. At a place like Smith Mountain Lake, you may find exactly what you’re looking for just down the road. Or you may discover open houses happening along the way. Driving a few more miles could expose the house of your dreams in a still convenient location.