It appears the property you were searching for is no longer active in the RVAR Multiple Listing service. It may have been sold or removed from the market recently and the database is still picking up on this. You might still be able to find a real estate solution here however!
Where do you go from here?
If you are looking for SML waterfront homes, off-water homes, or lake lots, then click here to narrow down specific searches for Smith Mountain Lake properties. On this page, I’ve compiled detailed property searches that are specific to the Lake area communities and you can target only the properties you want to consider.
If you are searching for properties outside of Smith Mountain Lake, but within the Roanoke Valley region, you can browse properties below or use the search feature to your right to search for real estate in certain locations within the area MLS database. Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions about a property or would like to have me perform a market search for you.
Deb Beran – ReMax Lakefront Realty, Inc.
Smith Mountain Lake Real Estate Specialist
IDX MLS IDX Listing Disclosure © 2025
All searches are performed on live data on the MLS server. Although the Multiple Listing Service of The Roanoke Valley is the single source for these listings, listing data appearing on this website does not necessarily reflect the entirety of all available listings within the Multiple Listing Service. All listing data is refreshed daily, but its accuracy is subject to market changes. All copyrights and intellectual property rights are the exclusive property of the Multiple Listing Service of The Roanoke Valley. Whether obtained from a search result or otherwise, visitors to this website may only use this listing data for their personal, non-commercial benefit. The unauthorized retrieval or use of this listing data is prohibited.